As of late 2017, only one dating site is specifically geared to the needs of visually impaired singles. Two more sites are for singles who are disabled that may prove helpful. Another strategy is to join a singles site designed for a general audience.
Visually Impaired
Visually Impaired is a dating site directed to the needs of blind singles. The sign-up process is free and uncomplicated, asking only for your gender, email address and dating preferences. Each member's entry includes a photo. If you're unable to see these, get an informed opinion from a trusted friend.
Disabled, as its name declares, is directed to the needs of the disabled. The sign-up process for this site is also free and similarly uncomplicated. In the sign-up process, you supply your gender, email address, and a few particulars as to what you are looking for in a partner (gender and disability, if any). During the sign-up process, you can state that you are visually impaired. is a site with the same aims and sign-up process as, and it may even be managed by the same company. The sites are very similar. The sign-up process is identical to that for
General Dating Sites
Informal blogs for singles with impaired sight reveal very limited activity. The most recent post on VisionAware, for instance, although it comes up first in a search for "dating sites visually impaired" was nine months old. There were no responding comments. This suggests that dating sites, too, may not have many active members. You may be better off signing up with a general singles dating site, such as and If you check eHarmony, you'll find that it's geared exclusively toward long-term relationships rather than short-term hookups. lets you specify which kind of relationship you're interested in. vs. eHarmony
The two largest dating sites for singles interested in long-term relationships are and eHarmony. Although almost all online dating sites allow you to sign up without cost, actually using either site (and most other sites as well) entails a fee. charges $42 a month, although if you sign up for multiple months, the monthly cost drops proportionally. eHarmony costs $60 per month, with similar discounts when you sign up for longer periods. The good news is that has more than 40 million members, and eHarmony has more than 30 million.
The sign-up processes for both sites ask many detailed questions and take a considerable length of time to complete, which is reasonable because both sites use the sign-up information to match you with compatible members. You can easily declare your sight impairment when signing up. The large amount of members of these two sites may give you a better chance at finding a compatible partner than the three specialized sites, none of which reveal how many active members they have. Also, the detailed questions you answer when signing up give prospective partners a chance to know you as more than a sight-impaired person, but rather as a whole person with varied interests and abilities.
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Writer Bio
I am a retired Registered Investment Advisor with 12 years experience as head of an investment management firm. I also have a Ph.D. in English and have written more than 4,000 articles for regional and national publications.