When people get older, it is harder to buy gifts for them. This is because many older people live in small houses, and they almost always have everything they need for their home and life. Finding a meaningful gift that will not clutter up their home is difficult but not impossible.
Older individuals who still undertake physical activity may enjoy participating in sports. Croquet, swimming, golf and walking are all sports that a 71 year old can enjoy. Provide the elder with equipment to participate in these sports, such as golf clubs and balls, swimming goggles, sturdy shoes, shady hat, croquet mallets and balls and any other items that help the 71 year old stay active and healthy.
Technology is a large part of the modern world. Provide the 71 year old with a way to keep up in the modern world with a cell phone, computer, web cam, digital camera or even a digital picture frame to display photos of grandchildren or great grandchildren. These gifts allow the elder to interact with friends and family in the modern world.
Many older individuals love to continue working on some useful project after they retire. Painting is an excellent project that takes a lot of time, concentration and skill to master. This not only is a fun hobby but also helps seniors maintain use of hands and fingers and other muscles.
Scrapbook or Supplies
Scrapbooking is a fun hobby that many seniors may enjoy. They may like to create scrapbooks of their family to brag about with their friends. If your loved one does not want to actually make the scrapbook himself, then you can create one for him of life milestones such as all of the grandchildren, his youth, or his own children. This is a meaningful gift that any 71 year old would appreciate.
Most older people want to keep their minds active after retirement. One of the easiest ways to do this is with book reading. However, many seniors have a fixed income that prevents them from purchasing a large number of books. Supply your 71 year old with books about her favorite subject. Both non-fiction and fiction books will please most 71 year olds.
Gardening is a project that many people take up after retirement. Gardening is time intensive and there is always something to do. Give a 71 year old gardening plants, supplies or volunteer to help them create a garden if they do not already have one.
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Writer Bio
Brenda Priddy has more than 10 years of crafting and design experience, as well as more than six years of professional writing experience. Her work appears in online publications such as Donna Rae at Home, Five Minutes for Going Green and Daily Mayo. Priddy also writes for Archstone Business Solutions and holds an Associate of Arts in English from McLennan Community College.
Photo Credits
grand père image by Emmanuel MARZIN from Fotolia.com