How to Balance Work, School and Having a Baby Alone

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If you are a single parent, it can be difficult to balance holding a job, going to school to better yourself and raising your baby. Babies require a lot of attention, but you need to work and go to school to make a better life for you and your baby. Being alone in this journey can leave you feeling overwhelmed and discouraged. However, you can create a balance between all three areas of your life and come through it stronger than you were before.

Step 1

Accept the help of your family and friends to watch your baby while you work or go to school. If you have someone who can help you in your home while you study, it can help you complete any homework you have.

Step 2

Enroll your baby in a daycare that is close to either your job or your school if you must use a daycare. This way you can spend some time with your baby between classes or during your breaks at work. Working and going to school reduces the amount of time you have with your child, so this can help maximize the time you do have together.

Step 3

Complete your housework and homework while your baby sleeps. When he naps or goes to bed for the night, use that time to get things done that you can't do while he is awake, such as homework, phone calls or household chores.

Step 4

Make time for yourself at least once a week. Burning yourself out by trying to do too much can hurt each aspect of your life. Relax in the bath with a book before you go to bed, spend a spa day with your sibling or watch a movie in the evening. Setting aside time for yourself allows you to unwind and avoids burnout.

Step 5

Get enough sleep. It can be tempting to stay up late to finish everything you need to get done. However, if you don't get enough sleep, you will not be able to function to the best of your ability. Sleep is especially important when your baby is young and still waking up in the night.

Step 6

Let some of the housework slide. While it is still important to keep your home clean, it is ok to only do the bear minimum. If you try to do everything, you will find yourself worn out without the energy you need for your baby, job or school work.

Step 7

Swap babysitting or chores with another single parent. Other single parents understand where you are coming from and are often willing to help. If another single mom watches your baby while you get a big project done, you can return the favor when she needs to work an extra shift.

Step 8

Prioritize your life. When you are home, your baby should come first. When you are at work, focus on the tasks you need to complete. During school hours, work hard to get all of your work done during your class so you don't have to do it later at home. Choose the chores at home that are the most important and tackle those first.

Step 9

Create a schedule and stick to it. Having a schedule can help keep you from becoming overwhelmed. If you find a portion of your schedule isn't working for you, make adjustments as you go. Once you find something that works, keep your schedule except in emergency situations.

Step 10

Keep track of any appointments or important deadlines on a calendar at home. Keeping track of everything in one location reduces the chances of missing something important.