A giant cupcake is a fun alternative to a traditional cake. It's instantly recognizable, and you can customize it for birthdays or holidays. Make an instant centerpiece for a party, a novelty cake for a bake sale or a special treat for your favorite cupcake lover.
The Basics
The Wilton giant cupcake pan is made of cast aluminum and has two parts, one for the bottom of the cupcake and the other for the top. The bottom resembles an ordinary round cake pan, except that it is ridged to resemble the marks left by a paper cupcake baking liner. The top has a round base which narrows to a point to resemble the top of a frosted cupcake.
Since the bottom part of the pan holds more batter, it will take longer to bake. You can either bake the bottom for 10 or 15 minutes before adding the top to the oven, or bake both parts at a lower temperature and extend the baking time. According to Scribd.com, you should bake cakes in this pan for 60 to 70 minutes at 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
Grease and flour both parts of the cupcake pan or use a non-stick spray with flour. Be sure to cover all of the indented areas to ensure that the cake will release easily. You can find a recipe for a chocolate pound cake for this pan on the Wilton site (see the Resources section). This recipe advises that you pour 4 1/2 cups of batter into the top section and the remainder into the bottom. After baking, cool the cake in the pan on a cooling rack for 15 minutes, then turn the cake out of the pan and let it sit on the rack until it's completely cold.
Since the giant cupcake is in two parts, you'll need to assemble it like an ordinary layer cake by putting some frosting between the two pieces. Be sure to trim the bottom part of the cupcake to make sure it's level before you set the cupcake top on it.
This cake can be decorated for any occasion, but it's especially nice for a child's birthday. Frost the bottom in white, making sure that the ridges are completely covered. Add the cupcake top and frost it in a bright primary color. Use gel or paste food coloring to obtain the brightest shade. Make a number decoration that signifies the child's age. Trace the number onto poster board using a stencil, or draw it freehand. Cut it out and set it on the top of the cupcake, gently pushing the bottom of the number into the cake.
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Writer Bio
Margaret Morris has a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing from the University of Pittsburgh. She also holds a celebrant certificate from the Celebrant Foundation and Institute. Morris writes for various websites and private clients.