Party Etiquette on Location Changes

Friends at party

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Inviting friends and family to an unfamiliar location for a party is a guaranteed way to get anxious phone calls and texts from party goers wandering the neighborhood. Changing the original location only adds more chaos to the mix. Making a party as easy to locate as possible is a mark of good etiquette for any host.

Reminder Cards

When you have at least two weeks or longer before the party date, send out reminder cards to share the updated address and directions with your guests. Make sure that you stress that the location has changed on the cards to ensure that guests take note of the new venue.

Email and Phone Messages

When your party is rapidly approaching and there is no time to send out reminder cards, send an email message to let people know about the venue change. Use a nice template to format your message if the party is formal. Keep it casual for children's birthday parties and informal events. Ask that guests respond to indicate they are still able to attend. Phone anyone who does not respond to be certain that everyone knows about the change.