To discover what it means to be a woman of substance, we must define the term. Dictionary.com lists a variety of meanings for substance. One is: "substantial or solid character or quality." Other definitions included "consistency, body" and "something that has separate or independent existence."
Based on these definitions, a woman of substance would be a woman who has strong character, is consistent, has more to her than meets the eye and has a variety of interests outside and within her home and family. She is interesting to get to know; she possesses a depth of personality and character.
Character Qualities

A woman of substance conducts herself with patience. Even when her life, job, friends, children or husband drive her crazy, she knows that it is better to respond with patience than to react in anger. Because there is more to her life than just her friends or her job, she knows that she has hobbies and goals that she can look forward to beyond the present frustrating moments.
A woman of substance conducts her life with honesty and integrity. She is aware that it is better to get a fair promotion than a promotion gained from dishonesty or hurtfulness to a co-worker. She knows that life consists of more than money, so she would not have the desire to cheat on her taxes or keep an extra dollar of change the cashier gave her at the grocery store.
Other character qualities a woman of substance should have include peacefulness, love, patience and steadfastness---to name a few. She possesses virtues that make others around her notice that she is not shallow.
Knowledge is Power

Besides virtue and other character qualities, a woman of substance has knowledge. This does not mean just knowledge about makeup or hairstyles, but knowledge about subjects of interest to others. A woman of substance will educate herself fully about current issues. She will know about crises and concerns within her city, state and nation. She will want to take action to do all she can to help, whether by writing a letter to the editor or running for office. She will be aware of and participate in the political process.
A woman of substance has her own hobbies and outside interests. Her happiness is not entirely wrapped up in her job or her significant other/husband. She finds enjoyment in hobbies such as scrapbooking, writing or sports. She enjoys nights out with friends who share her same hobbies.
A woman of substance values her family highly. She cares about building a firm relationship with her husband if she is married, not a shallow relationship based on first-attraction feelings. She knows that love is built through the hard and good times, and she does not quit when things get rough. Her children respect her for her kindness and firmness. She tries to spend time with her children and be there for their school and extracurricular activities.
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Writer Bio
Julie Maria Anderson is an author and website designer from Pennsylvania. She has written for over 5 years for different websites including Associated Content, ghostwriting projects, and her own website on a variety of subjects including health, family and child issues, and education. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Baptist Bible College of PA with an education and journalism emphasis.
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