Your daughter needs your support while going through her divorce. Divorce is a traumatic, painful and emotionally draining event. She may be angry, resentful, feel abandoned or in denial about what's going on in her personal life. Offering her your love and support can help her make it through this difficult time. Everyone handles divorce differently. She may bounce back quickly, or it may take her months or even years to move on. Supporting and nurturing her through the process will help in the healing process.
Listen to your daughter when she wants to talk. She is probably feeling down and beating herself up over her failed marriage. Reassure her that she's not alone. Half of all marriages end in divorce. Don't pass judgment. Just try to be as supportive as you can.
Wait for your daughter to open up. Don't force her to say or do anything she isn't ready for. Only she knows when she is ready to talk, move on and begin the healing process.
Encourage your daughter to seek counseling or join a support group. If she's really upset and it doesn't look like she's handling the divorce well, recommend that she seek professional help. There's nothing wrong with speaking to a counselor or other people experiencing divorce. If she's hesitant, offer to go with her to her appointments or meetings. You may not be able to sit in on the conversation, but knowing that you're there waiting in another room can be reassuring.
Shower her with love. Most likely she's hurting right now. Give her a hug, tell her how much you love her, kiss her or write her a note telling her how much she means to you. Small gestures mean a lot during this emotional time.
Help her plan her financial future. She may need help planning her finances now that she is on her own. Going from a dual income to a single one can be a difficult transition. Help her itemize her expenses and determine what she can and cannot afford.
Give advice only when she asks. Don't force your thoughts or opinions on her. You need to remain neutral in this situation. Try not to become personally involved. This is your daughter's divorce, not yours. Don't say anything bad about your daughter's ex-husband in front of her or your grandchildren.
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- If your daughter has children, pay extra special attention to your grandchildren. They're hurting, too, and, if young in age, probably don't understand what's going on. Offer to spend more time with them and listen to them when they want to talk. Don't force your grandchildren to talk about the divorce if they don't want to.
Writer Bio
Shelby Winchell has worked as a journalist for more than seven years, covering the economy, political figures and celebrities for various websites. She has a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism.
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