A wedding photo album gathers all the memorable moments from your special day so they can be enjoyed and shared as the mood arises. Since this album is so special, it deserves more than just a bland title or worse, no title at all. Decorate the front of the album with a title that means something special to both bride and groom, or whip up a catchy wedding-related caption that brings a smile to your face every time you see it.
Simply Stated
When you want to keep it simple, choose a short phrase that expresses the sentiment of the day. Phrases like "Our Beginning," "Our Love Story" or "And We Said 'I Do'" are all options to express the emotion of the event that get right to the point. Consider "Our June Wedding," "Steve and Staci Get Married" or "The Davis Wedding 2011" as choices to personalize the album title with the month of your wedding or your names and the date.
Meaningful Movie Titles
Couples may find it amusing to choose movie titles to label their wedding album. "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" could be "My Big Fat Taffeta Wedding," "My Big Fat Mexican Wedding" or "My Big Fat Florida Wedding" to personalize your wedding experience. Rather than using "Betsy's Wedding," you could insert the bride's name in place of Betsy. The classic movie from the '50s, "How to Marry a Millionaire," can be changed to "How to Marry a Lawyer," "How to Marry a Plumber" or any other profession in place of a millionaire. Couples can also use titles without changing them such as "A Catered Affair," "An Affair to Remember" or "Love Story."
Notable Quotes
Quotations about love and marriage abound. Choose one of them to emblazon the front of your album. "True love stories never have endings" -- Richard Bach; "A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person" -- Mignon McLaughlin; and "Let all thy joys be as the month of May, And all thy days be as a marriage day" -- Francis Quarles, are just some of the choices to adorn a wedding photo album and convey the sentiment of the occasion.
Stated in a Song
Song titles provide almost endless choices for wedding album captions. The couple may opt to choose the title of their favorite song when it fits the occasion or choose one from the numerous love songs written over time. "We've Only Just Begun," "When a Man Loves a Woman," "Tonight I Celebrate My Love" and "Hopelessly Devoted to You" are all choices that fit the occasion. Additional ideas include "I Got You, Babe," "Love Me Tender" and "You're in My Heart."
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Writer Bio
Amie Taylor has been a writer since 2000. Book reviews, gardening and outdoor lawn equipment repair articles and short fiction account for a handful of her published works. Taylor gained her gardening and outdoor equipment repair experience from working in the landscaping and lawn-care business she and her husband own and operate.