While you may consider a bandana a fashion accessory, cowboys used them to serve many purposes, from keeping dust out of their faces to using them for washrags. With a bandana around a cowboy’s neck, he had instant access to it when he needed it. Wear a cowboy bandana with a nod to yesteryear by tying it in one of the traditional methods and you may feel ready to ride the range.
Wear With Scarf Slide

Fold the bandana in half to make a triangle.

Place the triangle around your neck with one point in the center of your back and the other two points lying over your collarbones.

Insert the two ends of the bandana in your front through the loop on the back of the scarf slide and position the scarf slide so the decorative side faces out away from you.

Slide the scarf slide up from the bottom of the ends until it reaches your neck. Adjust the bandana to make it as snug or as loose as you desire by raising or lowering the scarf slide.
Tie a Scarf Knot

Fold the bandana in half to make a triangle.

Place the triangle around your neck with one point in the center of the front of your neck and the other two points lying over your shoulders on your upper back.

Cross the two points of the bandana behind your neck and bring the opposite points around to the front of your neck so that they meet in the center front of your neck over the other triangle point.

Tie a simple square knot with the two crossed points of the bandana. Tie the ends together once by crossing the right point over the left point and tying. Tie the ends together a second time by crossing the left point over the right point and tying.

Adjust the knot so it is in the center front of your neck and the ends of the bandana extend out from the knot to the left and the right.
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Writer Bio
Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. As a regular contributor to Natural News, many of Hatter's Internet publications focus on natural health and parenting. Hatter has also had publication on home improvement websites such as Redbeacon.
Photo Credits
Carissa Bittle/Demand Media