How to Twist & Cut Hair

stripping comb image by Edsweb from

Twist cutting hair is a haircutting style used by hairdressers to create a natural and clean appearance for longer hair. Twist cutting is done using thinning shears to trim the hair, removing split ends and taking a small amount of length from the hair. Twisting and cutting hair can be done from home by yourself or with the help of a friend to create a professional style.

Use a hairbrush to separate a small, 1/2-inch section of your hair in the front of the head.

Twist the section of hair between your thumb and forefinger until the entire length of the hair is tightly twisted. Hold the hair tightly at the tips to keep it twisted.

Comb the thinning shears through the hair directly above your pinched fingers. Quickly and repeatedly comb the shears through the hair until you’ve trimmed all of the hairs in the twisted section.

Repeat this twisting and trimming process until you’ve trimmed all of the hair over your head in this fashion.

Brush the trimmed hair out and style as normal to accentuate the natural appearance that you’ve created.