How to Fix Your Eyebrows After Cutting Them Too Short

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Your eyebrows help open your eyes and accentuate the features on your face. Trimming eyebrows is one way to prevent them from becoming too long and unruly, however it is important to just cut the very tips of the hairs or you run the risk of them being too short. If this has already happened, it may be necessary to fill them in with makeup until they grow back.

Purchase an eyebrow pencil that matches the color of the hair on your brows. Eyebrow pencils are made specifically to match most hair colors.

Sharpen the pencil so you are working with a clear, defined point, which can help with accuracy when filling in your brows.

Apply the pencil using short, quick, upward strokes throughout your brows. Start at the inside end and work your way to the end of your brows.

Brush your brows with an eyebrow brush to blend the pencil with your natural hair.