A themed dance party stands out among traditional dance parties and gives guests an idea of what to wear and what kind of music will be played. The dance party theme should be communicated in the invitations, especially if guests are expected to dress in a specific way. Party decorations, music and food should also all tie into the theme.
Hollywood Dance Party
For a Hollywood dance party, have guests dress up like their celebrity lookalikes. Decorate for the dance party with a red carpet leading up to the dance floor and a "Hollywood" sign on the wall. Disposable cameras around the party area provide guests with the opportunity to play the paparazzi role and snap photos of their friends during the party. The playlist for a Hollywood dance party should include the most popular dance songs on the charts today.
Decade Theme
A dance party themed around a specific decade transports guests back in time through costumes and music. For example, guests at a '50s dance party would incorporate poodle skirts, denim and slicked-back hair into their costumes and dance to music from Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly and other famous musicians of the decade. Another idea is a '70s disco party with guests wearing bell-bottoms and a dance floor with mirrored disco balls and music from artists such as the Bee Gees.
Ballroom Dance Party
For an elegant dance party, encourage guests to dress up in their best evening wear and dance shoes for an evening of ballroom dancing. A large dance floor is essential for a ballroom dance party, and a live band is the ideal music source. If guests are not familiar with ballroom dance steps, offer a tutorial at the beginning of the party to teach the basic steps for the waltz, fox trot, tango and cha cha.
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Photo Credits
disco image by askthegeek from Fotolia.com