Cookie and cake recipes typically call for some sort of wheat flour, such as all-purpose or cake flour. These flours contain various levels of gluten. If, however, you are baking for someone on a gluten-free diet, you need to look for a way to replace the traditional flour used. Rice and potato flours are two possible alternatives. While these flours do not contain gluten and absorb greater amounts of moisture than their counterparts, with a few changes to your recipe, you can still make moist and tasty baked goods.
Step 1
Measure your rice of potato flour and place into the mixing bowl. Because rice and potato flour absorb more moisture than wheat flour, the substitution ratio is slightly different. If using rice flour, Colorado State University Extension recommends substituting 7/8 cup rice flour for every 1 cup of all-purpose flour. If using potato flour, substitute 5/8 cup for every 1 cup your recipe calls for.
Step 2
Combine the remaining ingredients as directed. Because rice or potato flour absorbs more moisture, often resulting in dry or crumbly baked goods, you may need to adjust the moisture amount in your recipe. Add an additional egg or a few tablespoons of water or other liquid if necessary to reach the desired batter or dough consistency.
Step 3
Place your batter or dough into or onto your pan and bake as directed.
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- For easier gluten-free baking, consider making an equal flour substitute with rice flour to keep on hand. Combine 1 pound of rice flour with 1/2 cup of tapioca flour and sift together. Store this flour in an airtight container and use it as a direct substitute for wheat flour in any baking recipe. For example, if your recipe calls for 1 cup all-purpose flour, substitute 1 cup of this flour mixture.
- When baking bread, consider adding 1 tablespoon of potato flour to your regular bread recipe. Because potato flour attracts moisture, this small addition helps extend the life of your bread while keeping it moist.
- Do not substitute rice or potato flour directly for wheat flour in your recipe. This will result in dry, crumbly baked goods due to the increased moisture absorption.
Writer Bio
Deborah Lundin is a professional writer with more than 20 years of experience in the medical field and as a small business owner. She studied medical science and sociology at Northern Illinois University. Her passions and interests include fitness, health, healthy eating, children and pets.
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