A high school prom king and queen are voted in by their classmates. Traditionally, there will be several people nominated for king and queen in the weeks before the dance, and the final winners are announced during the prom.
Accepts Crown
The announcement of who has won prom king is usually made about halfway through the dance. Generally it will be the DJ, a school staff member or a member of the organizing committee who will announce the winners. The prom king will be named and then he will have to walk up on stage. He will probably be given a crown and sash that he will have to wear. There may be a throne or chair that he sits in while the queen is crowned. He should face the crowd and smile for photos.
Helps Crown Others
Some schools have a prom that includes both juniors and seniors, and there may be a junior class prom court and a senior class prom court. In this case, the prom king may be called on stage first and may be the person who announces the junior class king and gives the winner his crown.
Dances with the Queen
After the prom king and queen are announced, they will have a first dance. Generally they will leave the stage and go into the middle of the dance floor. There may be a spotlight on them, and the other students may watch them dance or start dancing themselves. The song will be a slow song, and the prom king should lead.
Makes a Speech
At some proms, the king might make a short speech thanking the staff members or organizing committee for putting on the prom, and acknowledge the vendors like the DJ or the hotel that is hosting the event. The queen might contribute to the speech as well, which will happen at the end of the crowning ceremony.
Poses for Pictures
The king and queen may have to pose together for the official prom photographer to take a photo of them wearing their crowns and sashes. The picture may be used in the school yearbook.
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Writer Bio
Cooking, travel and parenting are three of Kathryn Walsh's passions. She makes chicken nuggets during days nannying, whips up vegetarian feasts at night and road trips on weekends. Her work has appeared to The Syracuse Post-Standard and insider magazine. Walsh received a master's degree in journalism from Syracuse University.
Photo Credits
groom image by Mat Hayward from Fotolia.com