How to Wear a Collar Brass Class A Uniform

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The Class A uniform is the more formal configuration of the U.S. Army Service Uniform. The Class A uniform consists of a coat, shirt or blouse, trousers, skirt or slacks, neck wear and headgear. The collar brass insignia of the U.S. Army Class A uniform is worn on the collar of the coat and consists of specific branch or regimental insignia pins and a U.S. insignia pin.

Affix the appropriate pins for the upper lapels of the US Army Class A uniform. For officers both upper lapels should have the U.S. insignia pin; while enlisted personnel should have the disk U.S. insignia pin on the right lapel and their branch or regimental insignia pin on the upper left lapel. Officer's upper brass collar insignia should be positioned 5/8 inch from the lapel notch with the bottom edge of the insignia at the 5/8 inch mark and enlisted pins should be positioned one inch above the notch.

Center the brass insignia pins correctly on the upper lapels. For men, the insignia on the upper lapel should be aligned so that the corner of the upper lapel notch is aligned with the middle of the insignia pin. Women should align their insignia so that the bottom edge of the pin is parallel to the inside edge of their lapels.

Affix appropriate branch or regimental pins on the lower lapels (officers only). Officers should position these pins on the lower lapel of their Class A uniforms approximately 1.25 inches below the U.S. insignia on the upper lapel. The branch/regimental insignia pins should be centered on the lapel in relation to the U.S. insignia pin.

Use a mirror to ensure that your collar brass insignia is correctly positioned, aligned, centered and presentable.