Proper Placement of Medals on a USMC Dress Blue Uniform

Global War on Terrorism Medal - Expeditionary   Front

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The United States Marine Corps' dress blue uniform is one of the most distinctive uniforms in the armed forces. As such, its wear is highly regulated and specific. This includes the wear of medals, which must be worn according to the uniform regulations outlined in Marine Corps Order P1020.34F.


Full-sized medals are only authorized for wear with the USMC's class A dress blue uniform. This is the most formal dress blue designed for wear during formal occasions such as ceremonies or parades. Other combinations of the blue dress uniform require the wear of ribbons in lieu of medals.


Medals on the Marine Corps dress blue uniform should be centered above the left breast pocket and attached to a holding bar designed to support their weight. This holding bar should be centered between the first and second buttons on the coat.


Medals should be arranged on the dress blue uniform according to their order of precedence. Medals are ranked in this order according to their prestige and degree of honor. The highest ranking medals should be located near the top of the arrangement and in descending order from left to right.