Little girls are often the shining lights in their fathers' lives as they grow from being children to empowered women. Likewise, daughters adore their fathers who serve as their models of how men treat women. The close bonds between daughters and dads should be encouraged and celebrated. One activity that promotes bonding is a community father and daughter dance. Learn how to plan and prepare for this type of event for your area.
Secure a date for the father and daughter dance at a venue with adequate facilities. Choose from common sites such as churches, community centers, school auditoriums and hotel ballrooms. Keep your budget in mind along with the number of people you will invite. Pick a layout that best suits your needs in terms of dance floor space, chairs and buffet tables.
Decide on a guest list for the event. Write down the names of all the families you want to invite that have dads and daughters. You might also want to include daughters of single mothers who have a male relative or friend who can act as "dad" for the dance party. Make it an inclusive event by inviting all of a particular group. For example, invite all the girls at an elementary school.
Prepare invitations in which you ask for an RSVP by a particular date. Your invitations should include the date of the dance, the location, the time, suggestions for attire and how much you are charging if this is not a free event. Also, put information regarding the food so the guests will know if it is a full dinner or just light appetizers and drinks.
Set up catering for the dance. Hire a company to provide the food and drinks or gather up a committee of volunteers to do the cooking and serve. If you have a themed event, you can provide food that fits with the occasion. For instance, if you are hosting a father and daughter fifties style dance, you might want to serve hamburgers, fries and malts.
Schedule a disc jockey or band for the music. Often you can find a hobbyist who will serve as DJ for the event or you can hire a professional band if your budget allows. Select the music with the ages of the daughters in mind and add some "older" stuff the fathers will enjoy as well. Also, vary the fast music with some slower tunes. Girls Ministries suggests obtaining a speaker for the dance as well.
Decorate the site of the event. The most common and festive decor includes flowers, balloons, streamers and lights. If your dance has a particular theme, you can decorate with that in mind as well. For example, a western styled event could include cowboy regalia displayed such as hats, boots, horseshoes, spurs and hay bales.
Get volunteers for clean-up. Plan ahead by contacting specific persons to help you take down decorations, pick up trash, take down tables and chairs and restore the venue to the condition you found it.
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- Plan some father and daughter games in addition to the dancing to add more fun to the night. Time-proven games such as musical chairs and hula hoop contests will fit well into many events. You can also organize some line dances such as the "cha cha slide", the Macarena and a conga line for added enjoyment.
Writer Bio
Lisa Mooney has been a professional writer for more than 18 years. She has worked with various clients including many Fortune 500 companies such as Pinkerton Inc. She has written for many publications including Woman's World, Boy's Life and Dark Horizons. Mooney holds bachelor's degrees in both English and biology from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
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