How to Plan a Couples Retreat

romance image by Mat Hayward from

At weddings, couples agree to love, honor and cherish one another until death do they both part. At that moment, their commitment to those vows is at its absolute strongest. But, something often changes as the years go by. Each spouse's devotion to those vows might wain, and the passion the two once shared might gradually begin to fade away. Couples retreats help couples find passion and commitment again after they have lost their way. Planning a couples retreat is a tremendous responsibility. The person planning the retreat must keep the retreat's true purpose in mind throughout the planning process.

Set goals for your retreat. A couples retreat, like any other worthy endeavor, must begin with a goal in mind. Your goal will tell you where you're headed during the planning process and keep you on track when you're tempted to veer off. For instance, if your goal is to have the most affordable couple's retreat in your state, then you will bargain accordingly, even when you are tempted to exceed your budget.

Lost shack image by sylvain lienard from

Research locations thoroughly. Couples retreats should create a serene and romantic environment for the couples to focus on one another. If you choose a location with dirty beaches, unattractive hotel rooms or political unrest, then your couples will be unhappy and you will have undermined the likelihood of the retreat's success.

Compile a list of activities for your couples retreat. Your activities will depend on your goals for the retreat and the chosen location. The activities should be both fun and engaging. For instance, water skiing, snorkeling, hiking, and volleyball are just a few common couples retreat activities. Your retreat should also incorporate couples counseling. Carefully research your chosen counselor to insure that she or he is the right fit for your retreat.

water ski image by Ahmed Zahir from

Create your itinerary. Your itinerary should include no more than approximately two major physical activities per day. Scheduling water skiing, hiking and volleyball for the same day will only wear out the attendees. Moreover, it will make the retreat feel less like romance and more like work. Supplement physical activities with relaxing activities such as couples massages. Save the remaining time for counseling and meals.

Advertise your retreat. Marketing is an essential part of your plan, because you cannot have a couple's retreat without couples. Consider advertising your retreat in travel and family magazines. If you are a member of a local religious organization, consider advertising to your church members. Some churches have marriage ministries with couples ripe for your retreat. You can reach them with a simple church announcement or fliers.