Loose skin is caused by rapid weight loss, unprotected exposure to the sun and aging. In extreme cases, only surgical intervention can remedy loose skin. Cases in which the loose skin is minimal can be remedied by exercise. Swimming can be one of those exercises, because it is an aerobic exercise with anabolic benefits. This is because the weight of the water provides resistance. Swimming also works out nearly all the muscle groups of your body.The muscle mass gained from swimming can stretch out your skin and tighten it.
Consult with your physician to make sure you are healthy enough to begin a swimming exercise program. Swimming can be physically exhausting, and any underlying problems such as cardiovascular conditions can hinder your progress.
Swim. The longer you swim, the more health benefits you will reap. The amount of swimming required for each individual varies depending on gender, hereditary factors and lifestyle.To achieve maximum benefits, use all four strokes. Make sure to stretch and warm up before workouts to avoid muscle strains.
Increase your protein consumption. Proteins are the building material for your muscles. The more protein you eat, the more protein is available to create muscle tissue.
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- "Exercise and Health"; Prof. T. A. Asmangulyan; 1997
Writer Bio
Dr. Robert Petros has been working at the Yerevan State Medical University Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases since 2009. He has had experience with thousands of patients and done a considerable amount of work in epidemic prevention on the government level.
Photo Credits
swimming image by Orlando Florin Rosu from Fotolia.com