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Exercise Reduces Cortisone
Regular cardiovascular and aerobic exercise can promote hair growth. According to Revivogen.com, when you are stressed, it's possible for your hair to thin or fall out. This is because your body produces more cortisone. This hormone causes hair follicles to stop growing, which can result in thinning of the hair. Exercise can reduce the amount of cortisone present in the body. Lower levels of the cortisone hormone will help hair grow faster and fuller.
Exercise Increases Serotonin

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Exercising can increase serotonin levels in the brain, keeping us feeling happy and balanced. Increasing serotonin in the body can help improve the way we deal with stress, and lower the presence of the cortisone hormone in the body. When the body is under extreme stress, Revivogen.com says the entire body is affected, including the hair follicles. Exercise can help reduce stress and promote hair growth at the same time.
Exercise Reduces DHT

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Jogging and playing recreational sports like soccer, football or baseball can help regulate hormones and reduce DHT formation. According to SurvivingHairLoss.com, DHT -- dihydrotestosterone -- is passed down genetically and causes balding in men. Overexercising, like extreme bodybuilding, can have the opposite effect and produce more DHT, but doing moderate exercise three to five times a week can actually reduce the amount of DHT produced by the body. Regular exercise also improves blood circulation, slows down the aging process and increases stamina.
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Writer Bio
Shelby Winchell has worked as a journalist for more than seven years, covering the economy, political figures and celebrities for various websites. She has a bachelor's degree in broadcast journalism.
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