Chlorella and Hair Loss

Cropped studio shot of balding man

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Chlorella is a single-celled type of algae that grows in freshwater and is sometimes called a "green food."(See Ref. 4) The algae contains vitamin C, iron, protein and B vitamins.(See Ref. 1) Chlorella may be beneficial for reducing hair loss(See Ref. 2, no pg. #), though the American Cancer Society cautions there are no scientific studies that support the claims of chlorella's range of health benefits.(See Ref. 1)

How It Works

Chlorella contains more vitamin B-12 than liver, according to the book "Regrowing Hair Naturally: Effective Remedies and Natural Treatments for Men."(see REf. 3, pg. 96) In "Prescription for Natural Cures," authors James F. Balch and Mark Stengler state deficient vitamin B-12 levels can be the cause of hair loss.(See Ref. 2) Chlorella also has several nutrients that can make hair soft and shiny(See Ref. 4), including selenium, calcium and zinc.(see Ref. 3, pg. 96) Your body requires adequate zinc levels to grow hair. (See Ref. 2)