How to Say the Blessing for a Wedding Reception

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If you have the opportunity to say the blessing at a wedding reception, first take the time to plan your comments. Officiants, parents, relatives and friends most commonly get asked to speak during this special moment at the reception. Create a blessing both inspirational and touching to offer to the new couple and the guests.

Accept the offer from the couple getting married. They will generally ask someone to offer the blessing a few weeks in advance. That gives the person enough time to prepare a thoughtful blessing in advance.

Reflect on the couple. Look at your relationship with the couple and the things you know about them. Include specific qualities or details about the couple in the wedding blessing.

Consider the couple’s religious beliefs. Couples will often ask a religious person to offer the blessing, even if their beliefs don't match. If the couple has different beliefs than you, talk with them prior to preparing the blessing to ask for permission to say the prayer in the way you want it said.

Prepare a short statement of congratulations to the couple before giving the prayer blessing. You may include details about the couple and how you know them or how long you have known them. You can also express your happiness for them and your feeling or pride to share in their celebration.

Give thanks. Begin the prayer by thanking God for the day and for the couple, if you plan a Christian prayer. Offer thanks for the gift of Jesus and thank God for other important things as well, including the food you will eat.

Ask for God’s blessing. Beyond the meal, ask Him to bless the couple for the duration of their lives together.

Ask for God’s presence in this marriage and for all friends and family to help nurture the couple throughout their journey of marriage. End the prayer by saying “Amen.”