The Prayers of the Faithful, also known as General Intercessions, is a prayer offered by a Catholic congregation at a Mass to ask together as a community for specific help and guidance by God. Typically, one person will read the prayer, such as, "May the homeless and the lonely find comfort," and the congregation responds with "Lord hear our prayer." Usually several prayers are offered, all with the same response by the group. For a Catholic marriage ceremony, you can customize the prayers offered to be fitting of the occasion and the couple.
Engaged Couples
Offer a prayer for all the engaged couples in the world. Ask God to help them to witness the loving marriages around them as inspiration for their own marriage. You could also ask that they be guided together to form a happy and joyous marital union. As the couple being wed is not yet married, this would still apply to them, and can be offered up as well wishes for the bridal couple.
Married Couples
Ask that God honor and protects the sanctity of marriage and the continued years of joy and happiness for married couples. The prayer can be offered for all the married couples of the world, or you can offer it for the married couples in your presence at the Mass. This prayer will help instill the couple with the deep respect and value held in the Catholic church for couples entering fully and seriously into the bond of marriage.
Deceased Loved Ones
Offer a prayer for the family and friends of the bridal couple who have passed away. This is a way to incorporate loved ones who could not be there on the wedding day into the wedding ceremony and festivities. It ensures that although loved ones have passed away, they are not forgotten, and still have a place on the big day. Ask God that they may rest in peace in heaven.
The Newlyweds
Offer a prayer for the bridal couple themselves. Ask God that the two individuals exchanging vows today always find strength and comfort in him to help lead their marriage through many years of marital bliss. Ask that those gathered at the Mass to bear witness to the vows always be there to support and help the couple through the many years of their married life.
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Writer Bio
Michelle Barry graduated from Salve Regina University with a Bachelor of Arts in English. Since then, she has worked as a reporter for the Wilbraham-Hampden Times, an editor for Month9Books and Evolved Publishing, editor and has spent the past seven years in marketing and graphic design. She also has an extensive background in dance.
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