How to Remove Gum From Nylon

boy with gum image by Marzanna Syncerz from

Gum has a way of showing up in places where it shouldn't be found and can cause frustration when it sticks to clothing. A favorite outfit or pillow doesn't need to be tossed if gum accidentally finds its way there. With the use of a few common household items, your nylon garment can be restored to its original condition.

Wet your fingers under cold water to keep the gum from sticking, and then remove as much as possible. Keep a paper towel handy to dispose of the gum.

Place an ice cube inside a sandwich bag and rub the bag over the gum until it hardens.

Scrape the hardened gum off the fabric with a dull knife, such as a butter knife. If the gum starts to soften, freeze it again.

Brush away any small pieces of gum with an old toothbrush. remove gum from the toothbrush bristles as you go to prevent it from redepositing onto your fabric.

Examine the fabric for any remaining gum and repeat the steps if necessary. Launder the item according to the recommended washing instructions.