Bass Weejuns are classics. The shoes are known for comfort and casual style. These timeless loafers for men and women are hand stitched and mold to your feet as you wear the shoes. Bass Weejuns look great with khakis or jeans. Even a new pair of Weejun loafers will benefit from polishing, since it adds another coating of wax to the one from the factory, thereby offering additional protection. Good shoes are a financial investment. By following a few simple shoe polishing steps, you can ensure longer shoe life and that your shoes will stay looking new.
Wipe dirt and other debris from the shoe leather. Make sure you have an appropriate polish color for the Weejuns, typically black, brown or burgundy. There are different types of polish available, including waxes, pastes, creams and liquids. Wax helps prevent moisture from soaking into leather and it gives a glossy sheen.
Use wax if your shoes are often exposed to outdoor elements. Creams and pastes add moisture to the leather by soaking into it and are good for covering scratches and imperfections. The easiest to apply is liquid shoe polish, but it does not give the protection of waxes, creams or pastes.
Apply the polish evenly to shoes using a brush or soft cloth. Use an old toothbrush to gently work the shoe polish into all the creases of the Bass Weejuns' hand-sewn moccasin-like construction. Wipe the polish generously over the smooth areas using a soft cloth applicator. Repeat the process with the second shoe. Let the shoes sit for a few minutes. It is important to use a separate cloth for applying polish to different colored shoes.
Place your hand in one shoe to hold it steady. Buff the shoe in a rhythmic, back and forth motion, using a shoe brush. This motion develops a luster or sheen to the leather. Repeat this process on the second shoe.
Place the shoes on cedar shoetrees after wearing to allow the Bass Weejuns to keep in shape and absorb moisture out of the leather that has gathered from foot sweat. If you do not have a shoetree, stuff the toes of the shoes with newspaper or tissue. Never store leather shoes near a direct heat source.
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Writer Bio
Karen Curinga has been writing published articles since 2003 and is the author of multiple books. Her articles have appeared in "UTHeath," "Catalyst" and more. Curinga is a freelance writer and certified coach/consultant who has worked with hundreds of clients. She received a Bachelor of Science in psychology.
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