Creating and distributing a Bar Mitzvah program for your service can enhance your guests' enjoyment of the service. A Bar Mitzvah program will introduce the Bar Mitvah boy to guests who may not see him often and summarize the portion of the Torah the child will read. Additionally, you can keep the bar Mitzvah program as a momento of this milestone in your child's life.
Format your computer page so you can type two wide columns. This allows the text to appear as though it is on two pages when the paper is folded in half width-wise. Set your computer to landscape the page.
Type the information you want to include on the cover page on your computer. Include the Bar Mitzvah child's Hebrew and English name, the Bar Mitzvah date, the name of the synagogue, and the names of the Cantor and Rabbi who will lead the service on the cover page. Format the cover page so it is on half a piece of paper that could be folded width-wise in half. Glue a picture of the child to the cover.
Draft the interior pages of the program. Write a short overview about the significance of the service on the first interior page. The center of the program can also inform the congregation about the particular Torah portion. Include a short paragraph about the story in the portion. Reread and refine the information. Tout the child's accomplishments on the second interior page. Write a paragraph mentioning acadamic awards, accomplishments in sports and participation in community service activities. Proofread, correct any mistakes and share it with your child.
List honors that specific guests will have during the service on the back of the program. Indicate each participant and the special reading he will have. Identify guests who will read the Torah, lift it and return it to the ark. Put the honors in chronological order.
Arrange the pages to create a two-sided copy. The front and back cover should be on one side and the interior pages should be on the other side in the correct order. Print the pages and make sufficient copies on the paper of your choice. Fold the copies so the Bar Mitzvah program looks like a booklet. Put the pamphlets in a basket and distribute them during the service.
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