How to Get A Marriage License in the Military

birth marriage and death image by Warren Millar from <a href=''></a>

Obtaining a marriage license when one half of a couple is stationed away from home is difficult. Most state courts require that both parties apply for a marriage license together and will not issue a marriage license otherwise. Most states will issue a marriage license to one party if the other is serving in the military if the other party presents a power of attorney from the person in the military.

Draw up a power-of-attorney to appoint a trusted friend, family member or legal counsel as your attorney-in-fact if your fiance is stationed overseas and unable to apply for your marriage license in person. The power of attorney must be signed by either a notary public or two military officers.

Visit your local courthouse with your fiancé’s power of attorney and your attorney-in-fact. You both need to be present to apply for the marriage license. Fill out the application for yourself and on behalf of your fiancé.

Submit the appropriate documents to the court clerk. Your attorney-in-fact will need to present his or her documents as well, including copies of photo identification. You must have copies of your birth certificate and the birth certificate of your fiancé as well.

Pay the marriage license fee that is required by your particular state and county. Some states have a waiting period before a marriage license is issued and other states will provide a copy of your license while you wait. Ask for how long your marriage license is valid.