Describing the perfect beach wedding is only limited by your imagination. Whether you are trying to entice your fiance or impart your vision to friends, concentrate on painting the most beautiful picture that you can. Envision what you would want from a wedding and apply those ideas to your description. When describing beach weddings, keep the elements simple, elegant and romantic. It's not hard to have someone fall in love with your idea if you incorporate the right attitude.
Describe the beach first. The wide sand is cascading across the land. There is a small breeze that offers a slight chill, which provides relief from the warm, setting sun. The water crashes against rocks in the distance. Seagulls squawk overhead. Nature is in tune with your event. Keep the images simple. Simple images can be the most romantic. Simplicity equals relaxing, which is often what brides and grooms yearn for during wedding planning.
Flatter your subjects if you're trying to convince someone to participate in a beach wedding. Describe the crisp, clean outfits that the wedding party will wear throughout the event. Talk about the elegance and beauty of those in the wedding. Describe how tendrils of hair fall in the bride's face as she recites her vows. Everyone wants to envision being beautiful or handsome on the big day. The pressure of the big day is that everything must be perfect.
Relay the feeling of intimacy that the almost-wed couple feels as the bride walks down the aisle to her future mate. Mention the soft music playing in the background from the acoustic guitar player. Set the ultimate romantic tone in your description. Both parties should have single tears of happiness trickling down their cheeks. Include the burst of happiness that the two feel when the bride meets the groom at the altar. Get into your listener's head by playing off universal emotions.
Talk about how the warm, smooth sand moves through the bride's and groom's toes as they approach or leave the altar. Mention the fresh air and how it expands smoothly within the lungs. Reveal how serene the entire affair is as the bride and groom have no doubts that they want to spend the rest of their lives together after marrying in paradise. Create a fairytale for your listeners.
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Writer Bio
Crystal Lassen hails from Kansas City, Mo. and has been a book critic since 2008. Her reviews have appeared on the Publisher's Weekly website and are largely concerned with current events. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with an emphasis in creative writing from The University of Kansas.
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