Decorating the bride and groom's getaway car is a tradition that can have humorous results or stylish ones. If you are thinking stylish, then you may be thinking of decorating a wedding car with flowers. As with any decorating endeavor, there are a multitude of ideas. Develop accessories with flowers that match the color and style of the wedding. This will far exceed the expectations of a wedding car dragging a rope with tin cans and a poster board sign with "Just Married" tape to the trunk.
Car Handle Corsages
Remove the plastic wire stems from five flowers you would like in your car handle corsage. Cut five pieces of floral wire 12 inches long. Heat the end of one wire in the flame of a candle. Immediately stick the heated wire end crosswise through the plastic stem left on the back of a flower head. Pull half of the wire length through the hole and twist the two halves together. Repeat for the four remaining flower heads.
Hold the five wire stems together and arrange the flowers so that there is one flat side for the back of the corsage. Twist the wires together. Place leaf branches from the discarded plastic stems on the back and sides of the corsage. Line the stems of the leaf branches with the floral wire corsage stems and hold together. Place an end of the floral tape at the base of the flower head. Twist and stretch the tape around the wire stems and leaf ends. Continue taping to the end creating one stem. Curl the stem around the end of needle-nose pliers.
Cut two pieces of 1/4 inch wide ribbon 24 inches long. Hold them together and tie them around the base of the flower heads. Tie the ribbon ends into a simple bow.
Turn the corsage over and glue two magnet disks to the back using the household cement. Let the glue dry overnight. Place the flower corsage on a door handle of the wedding car. Make a corsage for each door handle.
Hood and Trunk Wreath
Glue one end of the 2-inch-wide satin ribbon to a heart wreath. Wind the ribbon around the wreath, cutting and gluing the ribbon where it meets the beginning. Make a large loopy bow with the 2-inch ribbon. Glue to the center top front of the heart.
Place the wreath on the center front of the car hood. Measure from the top of the wreath to a side mirror. Add 24 inches and multiply by two. Find the center of the ribbon and tie it around the top of the wreath. Measure from the bottom of the wreath to the grille. Add 12 inches and multiply by two. Find the center of the ribbon and tie around the bottom of the wreath. Leave the ribbon ends loose. They will be tied to the car mirrors and the grille of the car to hold the wreath in place.
Remove the stems from more silk flower heads. Glue and arrange them around the bow on the wreath and the shape of the heart. Repeat by constructing a wreath for the car trunk. Position the wreath on the trunk. Measure from the top of the wreath through the back car windows into the center of the back seat. Add 12 inches and multiply by two. Attach to the wreath as before. You will be tying the the ends together inside the car. Measure from the bottom of the wreath to the license plate, bumper or any part of the car that the ribbon can be tied to. Add 12 inches and multiply by two and repeat as you did on the hood wreath.
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Writer Bio
Based in the Midwest, Cyndee Kromminga has been writing craft and interior design articles for 15 years. Her articles and craft designs have appeared in Crafting Traditions Magazine, Easy Holiday Crafting Series-House of White Birches Newsletter and Country Woman Christmas Books. Kromminga's education is in interior design and she has experience operating a craft and design business for more than 20 years.