A church bazaar is usually held to raise funds for the church. Someone is usually appointed to plan the event or volunteers organize the church bazaar and plan for a fun-filled time. For the person organizing it, this can be a stressful occasion if you don't know where to start. Follow these steps to organize a church bazaar so you can join in on the fun as well.
Recruit volunteers for the church bazaar. You are going to need a lot of help to organize the event in order for it to run smoothly.
Set up some booths. Come up with several ideas then assign volunteers to run the booths. They should have a checklist of items needed for the booths.
Check with the electricians to see what you will need to organize electricity for the church bazaar. You may need to run electricity to the booths or games.
Set up concession stands and appoint volunteers to staff them. Place an order through suppliers for the food and beverages. Make a bank run to have change on hand for customers.
Organize games and appoint volunteers to staff them. You can also just choose volunteers and allow them to come up with game ideas. Buy inexpensive prizes for the games.
Rent security guards to staff the event. Although it is a church bazaar you may still run into trouble. Anywhere there is a lot of people things can still get heated.
Create tickets for the event. You can create them yourself or purchase pre-fabricated tickets. Advertise the event and start selling tickets in advance.
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