How to Chip & Slice Hair

Chipping and slicing are texturizing methods used in haircutting. Texturizing is a way of removing weight or bulk from the hair without compromising the length. It is also used to create movement and to break up the hair with a wispy effect.


Comb a 3-inch-wide section of hair upward and stop half way down the shaft.

Keep the shears partially open and insert them inside of the section, above your fingers.

Slice the shears through the hair, leaving 1/4 inch spaces in between slices. Always keep the shears open to avoid removing too much hair. This technique will remove weight and create movement.

Dry the hair to see the full effect. The slicing may be repeated on dry hair if more weight needs to be removed.


On wet hair, comb through to the ends, leaving 1 inch remaining.

Point the shears into the ends of the hair and turn the shears at a 45 degree angle.

Cut triangle shapes into the ends. This creates texture on the ends instead of having a blunt line.

Dry the hair to see the full effect. This technique may be repeated once the hair is dry for a chunkier look.