Products to Help Prevent Shrinkage in Natural Hair

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Natural hair, also referred to as afro-textured hair, is dense, tight-coiled and often cottony in appearance. Without the use of products to elongate natural hair, it will remain in its shrunken state and appear much shorter than it really is. Products to help prevent shrinkage in natural hair should contain ingredients with aloe vera gel, glycerin or other emolliating and humectant components.

Eco-Styler Gel

Eco Styler gel is an alcohol-free formulation that helps to prevent shrinkage in natural hair. It contains glycerin, a moisturizing ingredient that softens the hair and elongates the natural curl pattern. According to Ecoco Inc, You can use Eco Styler gel to control frizz, define curls and maintain healthy hair. Apply it to wet or dry hair in sections to prevent shrinkage and moisturize natural hair.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel contains water, minerals, amino acids, vitamin C, E and B-12. It is beneficial for preventing shrinkage in natural hair because it is water-based. Natural hair is often dry due to the lack of oil production in the hair cuticle. Applying water-based components like aloe vera gel helps to soften the cortex layer and stretch the hair to prevent shrinkage. According to Fruit of the Earth, aloe vera gel forms a protective barrier around the hair to aid in moisture retention. You can apply it liberally on wet natural hair and detangle with the fingers to prevent shrinkage of natural hair.

Kinky Curly Custard

Kinky Curly Custard is a natural styling gel product created to prevent shrinkage in curly hair. Kinky Curly Custard contains emolliating ingredients like agave nectar, botanical infused water and vitamin E. Kinky Curly Custard weighs down the natural hair to reduce bulk and stretches the curls for a more defined curl pattern.