Good Snacks to Pair With Hard Boiled Eggs

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A perfectly portable snack for work, school or a last-minute road trips, hard-boiled eggs are packed with 6 grams of satisfying protein, less than 5 grams of fat, as well as riboflavin, vitamin D and phosphorus. This savory, 70-calorie treat goes well with pairings that balance out the egg's salty flavor, dense texture and low-carbohydrate profile.

Fat Burner

Paired with fiber-rich asparagus spears, a hard-boiled egg is a fat-burning snack. named this combo as one of its top 20 fat burners that satisfy as well as satiate. The two different textures -- the crispness of the asparagus and the softness of the egg -- make this an especially palate-pleasing treat. This snack also packs a nutritional punch as asparagus is rich in vitamins E, B6 and folate. Like eggs, asparagus is also a quick-cook item -- you can sear asparagus spears in the time it takes to boil a few eggs.

Farmer's Lunch

For another satisfying and nutritious snack try a hardboiled egg with wholegrain crispbread crackers and vegetables like raw broccoli, cherry tomatoes and carrot sticks. Include some dark chocolate chips, pistachios, and berries and bananas mixed with lowfat yogurt -- and you have a hearty, nutritious lunch, or a plate that's perfect for sharing during a game or movie night with friends or family. Foodies will appreciate the tapas-style snacks and simple, filling fare.

Low- or No-Cholesterol Pairings

Egg yolks, while no longer under a per-week limit warning by the American Heart Association, pack a hefty amount of cholesterol. A large, hard-boiled egg contains 185 milligrams of cholesterol, or roughly 60 percent of the daily recommended intake for an adult. If you are watching your cholesterol but do not want to part ways with your daily yolk, consider a pairing a hard-boiled egg with a cholesterol-burning food. recommends avocado, seared salmon, cooked beans, fresh spinach and nuts as foods that can help lower your cholesterol. Combine any of them with a hard-boiled egg for a flavorful and palate-pleasing snack.

Tips and Considerations

Always refrigerate hard-boiled eggs or keep them at a minimum of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. If you are camping or unable to refrigerate your hard-boiled eggs, store them in their shells in an insulated bag with other cold items, and make sure to keep the bag in the shade. Save time and energy by boiling a dozen eggs and storing them in a marked egg carton in the fridge. You can store hard-boiled eggs in the fridge for up to one week. You can also freeze hard-boiled egg yolks to use later for toppings or garnishes; however, if you freeze hard-boiled whole eggs and hard-boiled whites, they typically become tough and watery.