How to Freeze Dry Sliced Salami

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Deli meats such as hard, dry-cured salami are some of the longest-lasting meat products. Their moisture content is too low for most bacteria and molds to grow, so until they're sliced they'll keep for months under refrigeration. Unfortunately, once they're sliced for sale these meats become prone to drying out and absorbing odors from your fridge, or -- even worse -- making other things taste like salami. To avoid this, and extend the salami's storage life, you can freeze it for later consumption.

Step 1

Separate the sliced salami into individual portions. If you normally use four slices on a sandwich or nine on a pizza, that's how you should portion them.

Step 2

Cut sheets of parchment or wax paper to a size that matches your freezer bags.

Step 3

Arrange the slices of salami in a single layer on a sheet of parchment, so they overlap just slightly at the edges.

Step 4

Slide each sheet of parchment with its layer of salami into a separate freezer bag. Press the bag flat to remove as much air as possible; then seal it.

Step 5

Freeze the packages individually, in a single layer. They freeze more quickly that way -- the faster the salami freezes, the better its texture will be when thawed.