The product known as Sebastian Cellophanes has seen many improvements over the years, including a few name changes. Cellophanes was created by Sebastian Professionals in 1976. As technology improved, Sebastian changed the product's formula, and name changes reflected the updates. Cellophanes became Cellophanes Plus in 1989, Colourshine in 1998 and back to Cellophanes in 2008. There are 10 shades of this product.
Colourshines to Cellophanes 2008
The new Cellophanes formula has a thicker consistency, so it is less messy to apply.
It sticks to the hair better during the application process, allows for more creative placement of color, is gentler to the scalp and stains the scalp less. Cellophanes is a more-stable product chemically, so it lasts longer. The color carriers are improved, so the color deposit is better. Tube dispensers make applying the product easier. After application, the hair is smoother and softer when dry, and the color is more balanced from the roots to the ends of the hair.
Colourshine and Cellophanes were both produced in a clear shade. The most recent formula change produced a softer dry stage for the clear shade.
Honey Wheat to Honey Blonde
Colourshine shade Honey Wheat is equivalent to the Cellophanes shade Honey Blonde. The recent formula change produced a more-even color deposit for this shade. It also appears less "salmony" on porous areas.
Crystal to Pearl Blonde
The formula change from the Colourshine shade Crystal to the Cellophanes shade Pearl Blonde produced a stronger color and more-even color deposit, canceling out undesirable yellow tones.
Glorious Gold to Golden Blonde
The gold color was improved from the Colourshine Glorious Gold to the Cellophanes Golden Blonde. The blonde is less yellow.
Gleaming Copper to Gold Red
The copper tone was improved from Colourshine Gleaming Copper to Cellophane Gold Red. The color is more balanced from roots to ends.
Cinnamon to Hot Red and Coffee Bean to Deep Brunette
Colourshine Cinnamon shade changed to Cellophane Hot Red and Colourshine Coffee Bean became Cellophane Deep Brunette. These colors remained pretty consistent. Hot Red has a slightly more-orange tint than Cinnamon.
Reddissimo to Red Red
Colourshine Reddissimo became Cellophanes Red Red. The new product is more true red with less orange tint.
Golden Walnut to Gold Brunette
Colourshine Golden Walnut became Cellophanes Gold Brunette. This formula change produced a slightly richer tone and improved the uniformity of the color throughout the colored hair.
Mahogany to Red Brunette
Colourshine Mahogany became Cellophanes Red Brunette. The brown color in Red Brunette is slightly more red than the Mahogany shade.
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Writer Bio
Christy Wilson began freelance writing in 1998. She has been published in "The Birmingham News" and "The Center Point Courier," where she served as editor, as well as other publications. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in journalism in 1996 from Samford University, with special focus on public relations.
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