When you open up the refrigerator to grab the egg carton, but suddenly have a yearning for pancakes, you don't need to choose between the two. As long as you have a skillet, you can cook the eggs right in the middle of your pancakes. The process takes only slightly longer than cooking a pancake without the egg, with the extra time accounting for making sure the yolk is cooked to your liking.
Step 1
Prepare pancake batter according to your recipe and pour the mixture into a sealable, gallon-sized plastic storage bag.
Step 2
Seal the bag and use a pair of scissors to cut off one of the bottom corners to form a makeshift pastry bag.
Step 3
Coat a skillet with cooking spray and warm it over medium heat. If you sprinkle the skillet with a couple of drops of water and it sizzles, it is hot enough to start cooking the pancakes.
Step 4
Squeeze the pancake batter onto the skillet, forming a disk or circle. Leave an opening in the center of the circle for the egg.
Step 5
Crack an egg and pour it directly onto the middle of the pancake.
Step 6
Check the underside of the pancake for browning by sliding a spatula underneath. Once the bottom and edges are a toasty brown color, and a white film covers the yolk of the egg, it’s time to flip. Bubbles forming on the top of the pancake are another sign it is time to flip.
Step 7
Slide a spatula under the pancake and flip it over. The egg will continue to cook as the pancake cooks.
Step 8
Slide the spatula under the pancake again. Check the bottom of the pancake and the egg. If the bottom of the pancake looks done but the yolk is not as done as you would like, turn the heat to low and cook for a few more minutes, checking the egg occasionally.
Step 9
Flip the pancake back over and remove it from the skillet with the spatula when cooking is done.
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- Try other pancake toppings, such as whipped cream, fruit or chocolate chips for a delicious twist.
- You can also cook a strip of bacon in the middle of a pancake. Cook a piece of bacon to preferred doneness and drain the fat. Pour the pancake batter over the bacon and cook the pancake as usual.
- The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends cooking eggs until the yolks and whites are no longer runny to avoid food-borne illnesses.
Writer Bio
Jonae Fredericks started writing in 2007. She also has a background as a licensed cosmetologist and certified skin-care specialist. Jonae Fredericks is a certified paraeducator, presently working in the public education system.
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