How to Cook Old Fashioned Thick Rolled Oats

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Rolled oats are oat groats that have been flattened out, lightly toasted and then removed from their outer shell. More commonly known as oatmeal, varieties of rolled oats referred to as "old fashioned" are simply traditional rolled oats that must be cooked for longer than modern types of oatmeal commonly known as "quick" oats, which can cook in less than three minutes. "Thick" rolled oats are just larger pieces that have a hearty and chewy texture. Cooking old-fashioned, thick rolled oats can be done a few different ways depending on your desired outcome. Consuming whole grains, such as rolled oats, on a regular basis may help lower your cholesterol.

Step 1

Pour 1/2 cup thick old-fashioned rolled oats into a small saucepan.

Step 2

Add 1 cup water, milk or milk alternative to the rolled oats in the saucepan.

Step 3

Place the saucepan on the stove top and turn the burner on to high.

Step 4

Allow the mixture to come to a boil, and then reduce the heat to a lower temperature until the mixture is simmering.

Step 5

Simmer the mixture for at least 10 minutes or longer, if you want your oats to be softer. If you cook the oats for longer, you may have to add more liquid.

Step 6

Remove the oats from the heat and serve with fruit, nuts and spices.