Harvest season is a good time to talk with children in your Sunday school or church about being thankful for the blessings God provides for them. With the many Bible stories that have application here, particularly from Jesus' parables, harvest-themed crafts are a nice supplement to Bible lessons during the fall season.
Harvest Angel
This cute little angel craft provides an inspirational message and makes a nice play puppet. Take paper of any kind and cut out arms, wings (10 inches from one side to the other), an apron shape, a pumpkin (the size of a half-dollar) to decorate the apron, a head and a hair shape for each angel. When it's completed, the angel should be about 12 inches tall, so make sure the body parts are proportionate to an angel of that size. On the apron, write "You Reap What You Sow," and use that to lead into a discussion about the parable of the sower in the Bible. Guide the children in gluing the pieces together, then glue the angel to the "flap" part of an upside-down brown-paper lunch bag to create the angel puppet.
Paper Cornucopia
This craft is a fun project to do with a Sunday school or children's church group during the fall season. Draw a simple cornucopia shape on brown construction paper and cut it out. On the side of it, write "Thank you God for these bountiful blessings." Have the children draw simple fruit and vegetable shapes on construction paper and cut them out, then write for them (or have them write) things such as "holy spirit," "shelter," "my body," "God's love," "friends" and "family" on the fruits and vegetables. They can then glue these to the openings of the cornucopia. Use this craft to explain that the harvest season is a time when farmers gather up the foods they've planted and that they're thankful God has blessed their crops, just as the children are thankful for the items on their fruits and vegetables.
Bible Memory Wreath
This craft is useful for teaching a harvest-related Bible verse, such as Psalms 50:14, which says "Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most high." Cut out the center circle of a paper plate so that what is left is a wreath shape. Cut out construction paper leaves in various fall colors, such as yellow, orange and red. (You also can have the children trace the outline of their hands onto fall-colored paper and cut those out as "leaves.") Write one word from your chosen verse on each leaf. For example, if you're using Psalms 50:14, you'll need 12 leaves since there are 12 words in that verse. Place the leaves around the wreath clockwise so they're readable. Once you're sure they're in the right order, guide the children in gluing the leaves onto the paper plate to create the wreath. You also can let them glue on ornaments and decorations, such as acorns, mini-pinecones or a bow.
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Writer Bio
Tasha Swearingen has been writing since 2007. Her work has appeared on WDWRadio.com and USA Today Travel Tips, among other online publications. She has volunteered as an aide in public school classrooms and served as an online tutor in English and writing. Swearingen enjoys writing about all things related to parenting, natural health, kids, travel, foods/cooking and education.
Photo Credits
harvest image by jc from Fotolia.com