While soldiers in the U.S. military are overseas fighting for our freedom back home, they get homesick and look forward to reading words of love, encouragement and appreciation from friends, family members and even strangers. Writing a letter to someone in the military is the best way to let him know that he is appreciated and missed at home.
Step 1
Write to your friends or loved ones in the military. If you do not know anyone who is currently in the military, but you would like to write a letter to a random soldier to brighten his day, visit a website such as A Million Thanks or Any Soldier. Those sites allow you to send an anonymous email to a U.S. soldier serving overseas (links are located below in the Resources section).
Step 2
Send a hand-written note or an email. Use the mailing address or email address provided by a personal friend or a loved one. If you are hand writing an anonymous letter to a random soldier, see the websites in the Resources section for address information. If you are writing an email, you can use one of the websites below for information on how to send an email.
Step 3
Write the letter from your heart, no matter whom you are addressing it to. According to the website "Every Monday Matters," letters are the most-requested item by men and women in the U.S. military. Reading words of encouragement, appreciation and love from friends, family members or even just random strangers helps to brighten their day and let them know that they are doing a great job.
Step 4
Tell the person a little bit about how things are going back home. Tell him about yourself and let him know that you appreciate him and the rest of the troops. If you are writing to someone you know, write about any common interests you may share, such as sports teams or music. If you are writing to a random solider, don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask him questions about his family or friends and what his interests or hobbies are.
Step 5
Avoid talking about anything related to politics, the war or fighting of any kind. The letter you write is supposed to be a welcome escape for the soldier receiving it, and it is best to stay away from topics that are not light and encouraging.
Step 6
Include a return address at the end of the letter, especially if you are writing to a soldier whom you don't know. That way, the person can contact you back and you can set up communication through letters or email.
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Writer Bio
Robert Moreschi is a published writer and a graduate of Rutgers University. He is knowledgeable in a broad range of topics from real estate and home improvement to health care and fitness, and his work has been featured on such websites as Movers.com and Chromatography Online, among many others.
Photo Credits
George Marks/Retrofile/Getty Images