Perms are used to change the texture of your hair and give you a curly hairstyle. While many people choose to have their hair professionally done in a beauty shop, there are some who prefer to do their own hair at home. If you decide to perm your own hair at home, follow the directions on the box on how to apply the perm. In addition to following the directions, here is how to wash a perm out of your hair once you’ve applied it.
After you've taken the rollers out of your hair, get ready to rinse out the chemicals. Turn on the water to a warm setting and rinse the perm chemicals from your hair. If the perm is burning, you may have to have the water turned to a cool setting so you don’t burn your scalp with the water. Use your fingers to rub through your hair and scalp to make sure the perm is being rinsed out.
Apply the neutralizing shampoo to your hair. The neutralizing shampoo helps to neutralize the perm chemicals in your hair. Make sure you thoroughly lather the shampoo to your hair and rub it through to your scalp to get any chemicals that may be touching your scalp. The lathered shampoo will generally be pinkish in color, which lets you know that perm is still in your hair. Rinse the shampoo out with warm water.
Repeat the shampoo process several times to be sure you’ve washed all of the perm out of your hair. You will know the perm is completely out when the shampoo no longer lathers pink in color. When the perm is out, the shampoo should lather completely white in color. After you’ve washed all of the perm out, towel dry your hair to get rid of excess water so your hair isn’t dripping wet.
Apply the conditioner that came with the perm kit. This process moisturizes and conditions your permed hair. Be sure to apply the conditioner to your entire head, including your scalp. You can comb through your hair while the conditioner is in it to make sure it is evenly distributed. Let the conditioner sit in your hair for 10 to 15 minutes before rinsing it out. Massage your fingers through your hair and scalp to make sure you get all of the conditioner out.
Dry your hair with a blow dryer on the cool setting or by sitting under an electric hair dryer. After the hair is dry, apply any styling products and style your hair.
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- Wear disposable latex gloves while washing the perm out of your hair so the chemicals in the perm don't burn your hands.
- Try not to get any perm on your scalp while applying it to your hair. The chemicals in the perm can burn your skin and cause sores on your scalp.
Writer Bio
Nico Riley has been a professional writer since 2006 with work appearing on various websites. Riley holds an associate degree in criminal justice from Harold Washington College and a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She enjoys writing on topics about society, culture, health, self-help and entertainment.