How to Stop AARP Mail

elderly woman image by Anna Chelnokova from

The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) is a organization that is devoted to enhancing the lives of people over the age of 50. The organization provides a wide range of services including insurance, investment funds and other financial products. When you reach the age of 50, you are likely to start receiving mail from the AARP. The mail can be product offers or the organization's monthly magazine. If you do not wish to receive any mail from AARP, you can make a request by email, phone or mail for the mail to cease.

Open a browser window and navigate to your email account. Log in using your user name and password. If you are using an email application such as Thunderbird, open the program.

Select "Compose Mail" or "New Message" to open a blank email. Enter "[email protected]" in the "To" field. Enter "Unsubscribe" in the "Subject" field of the email.

Type a message in the body of the email requesting that the AARP stop sending you mail. Include your name and address in the message.

Click "Send" to deliver the message to the AARP.