How Long Do You Cook Hash Browns in the Oven?

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A breakfast standard, hash browns are crispy potatoes, often cooked up with onions. They're generally formed into patties, with the starch from the potatoes acting as a binder. While hash browns are often fried, you can choose to oven-bake them as a healthier option.

In the Oven

The oven cooking time of pre-made packaged hash browns varies between brands. It's best to follow the directions on the packet; they're generally ready once they're golden brown and slightly crispy to the touch. If you're making your own hash browns in the oven, from raw grated or finely chopped potatoes, expect them to take around an hour to cook; they need to be flipped after 15 to 20 minutes. Again, keep an eye on their color; they should be ready when each side is lightly browned and has some crunch to it.