Balenciaga handbags are some of the finest in the fashion world. With their unique designs, high-end materials and flawless craftsmanship, women all over the world desire them. It comes as no surprise that there are many Balenciaga replicas on the market so don't get duped by someone trying to sell you a fake designer purse. Here are some ways to tell if Balenciaga handbags are authentic.
Inspect the handbag's craftsmanship. Balenciaga is a high-end fashion brand and will never feature shoddy or sloppy craftsmanship. If the stitching is loose, crooked or uneven, you are most likely looking at a fake Balenciaga rather than an authentic.
Observe the handbag's hardware. Balenciaga handbags feature Lampo zippers so "Lampo" will be embossed on the zipper's underside. The embossing should be in italics.
Look closely at the handbag's leather. All Balenciaga bags are made from goat leather than has been naturally distressed. Since the distressed quality varies from purse to purse, no two handbags will be the same, however, the leather on all the bags is supple, soft and high-quality. If the handbag in question does not appear slouchy and soft but rather stiff and slick, it is probably not goat leather and thus a replica.
Find the Balenciaga name plate on the handbag. This will either be a metal or leather name plate, featuring the Balenciaga name. Consult the authentic photos of the design in question to confirm the name plate's material.
Examine the tassels on the handbag. Balenciaga tassels are made from the same goat leather as the purse so they should be soft and supple. If they are stiff and shiny, it is likely a replica purse. Every zipper on a Balenciaga purse should feature a tassel.
View the handbag's handles. Balenciaga handles are braided with goat leather. The company refers to the handles as "sueded leather" since they do appear similar to suede. If the handbag you are looking to buy features handles that look coated or finished, it is not an authentic Balenciaga.
Take your time to carefully compare photos of the handbag for sale with photos of authentic Balenciaga purses. If you notice any other aspects that seem off, go with your gut and don't purchase the purse.
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