The way you set up banquet tables has an effect on the success of the event. When having a banquet, guests should be comfortable and have the ability to interact with each other. If there is a speaker at the banquet, the room should be set up to accommodate late entrants that do not disturb the event. Setting up banquet tables properly ensures the safety and comfort of your guests.
Calculate the number of guests to be seated for the event. The number of guests will determine how many tables and chairs will be needed.
Determine if round or rectangle tables will be used.
Select a 54-inch round table to seat 6, a 60-inch round table to seat 8 or a 72-inch round table to seat 10 people.
Select a 30-inch by 72-inch rectangle table to seat 6 or 30-inch by 96-inch rectangle table to seat 10 people.
Set up banquet tables to allow 30 inches of space between each table. This creates an aisle for guests to pass through; 10 square feet of space is allowed per person.
Place the tables toward the front of the room, creating the entrance toward the back of the room.
Inspect all tables to ensure they are secure. You want to make sure the table legs are locked in place so that they do not fall on the guests. Throughout the inspection look to confirm there is enough room for guests and staff to pass through.
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Writer Bio
DionJonai Elzy started her professional writing career in 2007. Her areas of expertise are human resources, entrepreneurship, pop culture, and event management. She has a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Monmouth University and a certificate in human resource management from the American Management Association.
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