How to Plan a Mexican American Wedding. Carrying out a Mexican American wedding is as much about blending two cultures as it is about making the wedding what the bride and groom envision their special day to be. Choose a few things from each culture and make this day special. Keep in mind cultural differences of the guests and enjoy.
Plan the food. Offering rice and beans may be a common Mexican dish, but many Americans don't care for refried beans. Mix traditional American food with the Mexican food. Offer carne asada for making your own burritos with several topping choices so the guests can make a salad instead.
Hire a mariachi band. This is a typical Mexican staple at any wedding, so add it to stay true to Mexican roots. Have the mariachi band circulate during the introduction and eating time and then have a contemporary DJ for the dancing. Blend both cultures at the ceremony and reception to please both sides of the couple's heritage.
Decorate with Mexican colors in an "American" way. Choose white table cloths. Add red and green flower arrangements for the center of each table. Add colorful lighting in an outside setting along with decorative piñatas. Have room for people to move outside to enjoy the more festive Mexican atmosphere while keeping the inside area romantically subtle and elegant.
Buy a traditional cake and a Mexican cake for dessert time. The traditional cake is for looks and display. At the dessert time, have the wedding cake and the Mexican cake served side-by-side in two smaller portions. A tres leche cake, or a fruit cake soaked in rum, are common Mexican cakes. Buy the damp heavier cake from any Mexican bakery and serve it alongside the common yellow cake with fruit filling and butter cream ice cream, for example.
Blend American and Mexican traditions in the actual ceremony. Tie a white rosary around the couple's necks. Have the bride carry the family rosary to the alter. Both the American side and the Mexican side will respect a wedding held in a church. Carry out the wedding in a way that pleases the bride and groom above all else. Throw in some family traditions and mix and match the pieces of each culture that you like. It is your wedding.
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