How to Make a Hoodie Look Vintage

Vintage clothes are all the rage, and it's not that difficult to make your clothes look like you got them at a thrift store. A vintage hoodie is always much cooler than a brand-new hoodie. If you have a new hoodie that you want to transform into a hoodie of yesteryear, it’s really not as hard as you may think. It takes just a few steps to make a hip hoodie look vintage.

Make Your Hoodie Vintage

Soak your hoodie in salt water. Mix ¼ cup salt in 8 cups of water, soak your hoodie in this solution for about 48 hours and then let dry.

Soak your hoodie in salt water while it’s in the direct sun for a doubly vintage look.

Use sandpaper to sand the image on the hoodie until it looks worn down to your liking.

Wash your hoodie in the washing machine with a cup of bleach, but do not dry it.

Dry your hoodie on a clothes line outside and stretch out the neck by pulling on the collar and pulling on the sleeves to achieve that perfect look.