How to Clean Rock Salt Stains From Pants

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Rock salt is great for de-icing sidewalks, driveways and roadways but can create a fashion bust when it gets on your pants. Simply walking from your house to your car in the wintertime can leave white powdery stains on your pants. Don’t toss your salt-stained slacks in the trash before trying some quick remedies to get rid of the stains for good.

Step 1

Moisten a rag with warm water. Blot the salt stains with the water to remove as much as possible.

Step 2

Let the pants air-dry completely. Brush the pants with a soft hairbrush to further remove the dried-on rock salt. Use a light, sweeping motion with the hairbrush to avoid pushing the salt further into the fibers of the pants.

Step 3

Mix 1-tablespoon of white vinegar with 1-quart of warm water. Use a clean rag to sponge the vinegar solution onto any remaining salt stains on the pants.

Step 4

Blot the fabric with a dry cloth. Launder the pants as usual. If the pants are not machine washable, let them air-dry, and then treat with the vinegar and water solution again until all the stains are gone.