How to Fluff a Mink Coat


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Wearing a mink coat is one way to project a personal fashion statement, however, when the fur of your mink coat becomes crushed or matted, you lose the impact of the look you're going for. Rather than taking your coat to a professional, which can be costly, fluff the fur of the mink yourself at home and restore it to its original beauty.

Hang your mink coat on its regular coat hanger on a shower or closet rod where you have easy access to it. Hang the garment on the hanger in a symmetrical fashion to avoid pulling the shoulder seams out of shape.

Blow the fur of the coat with handheld hairdryer on a cool, heat-free setting to gently fluff it. Do not use a low heat setting, as heat can dry out the fur and the lining of the coat. If your hairdryer does not have a cool setting, hang your coat outside on a clear day.

Run your hands over the fur in a fluffing motion. Perform this action on each section of the coat.

Grasp the shoulders of the coat with your thumbs underneath the collar, resting on the lining. Shake the coat out much like you would shake a rug, but be gentle.