How to Age a T-Shirt With Vinegar

Vintage t-shirts are very fashionable these days, but you may not have the time or money to hit those secondhand shops and find what you need. Often once you arrive at the shop, the best things have already been taken. Here you’ll learn how to take any t-shirt, new or old, and make it look like it came from a vintage shop. No one will ever know the difference.

If your t-shirt is brand new, wash it a few times to fade the color. To further fade bright colors, make a solution of 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water and soak the t-shirt. Hang it out in the sun to dry.

Brush areas that are typically worn, such as the under arms, hems, and decals, with coarse sand paper to fade them and wear down the seams. Be careful not to tear the clothing.

Soak the t-shirt in a solution of 1 part salt and 3 parts water. Allow the t-shirt to soak for at least 2 days, then rinse well in the sink and hang to dry.

Stain the shirt using whatever staining items you choose. Tea will give the t-shirt a dingy, grimy color. Coffee has much the same effect, but tends to be darker in color. If you want to get really creative, try a mixture of dirt and brownish or green paint.

When your staining materials have dried onto the shirt, soak it in a solution of 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water. It only needs to soak in this solution for a few hours or overnight. The vinegar will help set the staining materials into the fabric, and make the loose threads of the worn areas of the t-shirt more durable.

Toss the t-shirt into the washing machine alone on normal cycle, then dry in your dryer.

Enjoy your new shirt!