Women and girls make up roughly half the world's human population, so finding a female friend is easy. Realize that females are just like you - they are people with unique characteristics and habits. That means that there are women who possess similar interests as you, and this is a great place to start finding female friends.
Finding a Friend in Person
Join a team, club or class. These outside activities take the pressure off your interactions with new people and focus instead on an external goal. True friendship takes some time to develop, and learning a new task as part of a team or group allows you to get to know each other at a relaxed pace.
Arrange a group outing. Ask a small group of people from the team or class to get together for a related activity or just for coffee. If you are looking for friends this could allow you to meet several people, and if not, inviting several people along can ease the potential sting of awkwardness of hanging out alone for the first time.
Tell people in your group that you joined to meet new friends. Being honest about this could get you farther than anything else, as many people will want to welcome you to their community. Let them know that you are interested in developing friendships and like-minded people will come forward.
Finding a Friend Online
Join a social site. Free-access and subscription sites like Facebook, MySpace, OKCupid and match.com allow you to meet women with a similar background or interests. Facebook helps members reconnect with old school chums, while OKCupid and match.com are geared towards developing romantic relationships. Follow the registration and login instructions on the sites you choose.
Post a photo in your profile. A simple, fun, casual snapshot is all you need. Smile. Women are more likely to contact or return correspondence from someone with a friendly photo.
Contact women that you would like to be your friend. Use the site's email or link functions. Don't send out a copy-and-paste form letter, don't immediately ask for her phone number or where she lives, and don't apologize for contacting her. If she struck you as someone who could be a friend, then your initial correspondence can include some of the sentiment that made you want to get to know her.
Move on if she doesn't write you back or says she is not interested. Do not continue to contact her, and definitely do not send any threatening or insulting messages.
Invite her to your next group outing that will happen in public. Even if she wants to be your friend, she may feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar private location. Instead, invite her to open-access festivals and events, art shows or concerts. Parties, trips or anything alone should wait until you know each other better.
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- Keep offensive speech and gestures to a minimum when meeting new female friends, until you are sure of their comfort level with such language.
- Never share information such as your credit card or Social Security number on any social networking site.
Writer Bio
Jessica Alzarana has a Bachelor of Music in music composition from the University of North Texas and is currently pursuing a graduate degree in music therapy from Texas Woman's University. Alzarana essays have been published by UNICEF State of the World Children's Report & BootsNAll.